
Clients can be self-referred or they can be referred by their General Practitioner, Consultant Psychiatrist or other mental health professionals.

To make an appointment you can telephone us direct or send an email to

The first initial meeting will be an assessment, the duration of which may vary depending on your presenting difficulty. Attendance at the first appointment does not commit you to ongoing therapy.

Please be assured that all communication will be treated in the strictest confidence and if we return your call the message will be discrete.

Appointments are available at the following locations:

  • Metanoia Institute, 13 North Common Road, Ealing, London, W5 2QB
  • Holly Road Medical Centre, 2A Holly Road, London, W4 1NU
  • The Priory Hospital, Chobham Road, Woking, Surrey, GU21 2QF
  • 10 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PF

Sessions are also available in the Hillingdon and Middlesex areas.

View these locations on a map

Your initial appointment

The first appointment is an opportunity for us to hear about the reason for coming to therapy and to discuss what your expectations are.

This first appointment does not commit you to attend on a regular basis. Many people are unsure about therapy and therefore the initial appointment can help in relation to your decision to pursue therapy.

Typically you will be asked about various parts of your life so that we are better able to understand the difficulties. You do not have to answer all of the questions and it is likely that certain aspects may be talked about in more depth during the therapeutic process.

At the end of the initial appointment we will share with you what our understanding of your difficulties is, explain the therapeutic approach that may be helpful and the reasoning behind this. The duration and frequency of the appointments will also be discussed.

Sometimes assessment tools may be used and the aim of this is to measure your progress and check that the desired changes are taking place.

Please contact us to discuss further what may be involved.

Private insurance

If you are claiming through your private health insurance company it may be necessary for a referral. We ask you kindly to verify this prior to making an appointment.

Please be assured that all communication will be treated with the strictest confidence.

A brief conversation can be arranged prior to making an appointment to clarify any questions that you may have.